Working Hard but not Getting Ahead?
Join our 21-Day Challenge!
Join our 21-Day challenge!

"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
Napoleon Hill
Money Mindset Madness
The Challenge that'll Totally Shift the Way You Think about, Relate to, and Use Money
Join the Challenge for only $47!

Money Mindset Madness is for you if:

Your money has a mind of its own

you're racing to keep up

debt feels big and scary

you dream of more
About The Instructors,
Dave and Chana Mason
Dave and Chana Mason are the authors of The Cash Machine: A Tale of Passion, Persistence, and Financial Independence, which teaches hundreds of financial lessons through a page-turning novel. Through their books, courses, and coaching, they've taught thousands of people around the world strategies and tactics to shift their mindsets, improve their financial positions, achieve their goals, and live healthier, happier lives.

What people are saying about Dave and Chana Mason:

Jacob H.
Anything you want to achieve, you will; it's really that simple.
Dave and Chana Mason has built a "who would have thought it'd be so simple" system that delivers radical results.
Chana's an INCREDIBLE coach!! She knows her stuff, is personable, and wants to see you succeed!

Penny T.
I only needed to meet with Chana and Dave for one session, but that one session was life-changing!
Chana is an energetic and tuned-in listener. Dave's quiet presence and discerning insight offered a perspective that spoke to my heart.
Chana enabled me to "see" the thoughts I was telling myself and where they were coming from. I found clarity and gained the insight needed to change my way of thinking.

Beth S.
It is an honor to learn from them!
It is apparent when working with Dave and Chana that they aren't just teaching content, they actually live the material and are passing on tools that they really use. As individuals and a couple they are always working towards actualizing their own dreams and part of their dreams involve empowering others.
What You'll Get From Money Mindset Madness:




"Wealth is a mindset. It’s all about how you think. Money is literally attracted to you or repelled from you."
David Schirmer
What people are saying about Dave and Chana Mason:

Ayelet P.
Chana and Dave have the gift of combining both intuition with practicality when it comes to coaching.
They have a knack for reading people extremely well, and that allows them to guide the person and offer practical tools of value.
Not to mention they are super cool and easy to open up to.

Chaya L.
They've gifted us time and again with wise counsel that has shaped our lives and our business.
The Masons are true visionaries. A powerful mix of both practical and imaginative thinking; both grounding and wildly expansive. When I look back at the decisive moments in my personal and professional development, I can see the caring signature of the Masons written on much of it. They are living catalysts for growth.

Sammy K.
Chana and Dave work tightly together to help you administer a proper tuneup!
They'll help you develop tools and use those that you already have to check in with yourself and administer a proper tuneup.
You will work through the challenge space with Chana and understand that you've got a capable and confident ally who can direct your towards real change.“"
Money Mindset Madness
Challenge Structure:

Week 1:
Unearth Your Baggage
Most money beliefs are hidden beneath the surface of our consciousness. Most of us have never taken the time to unearth and solidly face them. We picked up beliefs as kids from our families, communities, and schools, yet rarely took the time to consciously study or question them
During Week 1 of the challenge, we’ll teach you strategies to unearth your core money beliefs. You’ll track them back to their source and identify the people or circumstances that inspired you to believe what you do. Once you know what beliefs are blocking your comfort and ease with making, managing, and spending money, you’ll be ready to get the refuse out of the way.

Week 2:
Remove the Decay
Once you know what your money beliefs are, it’s time to take a hard look at them. Have you taken on any beliefs that make you fear money or math? Do you detest wealthy people? Do you think you’re undeserving or too pious to accrue riches? Do you see yourself as a passive player in the money game?
During Week 2, you’ll work on the beliefs holding you back from achieving your financial goals. Together, we’ll apply powerful techniques to free you of these beliefs. You’ll learn how to build a mindset open to abundance.

Week 3:
Boost Your Future
Once you’ve freed yourself from the beliefs that once brought you stress, debt, and closed-mindedness, you’re ready to build some serious muscles.
During Week 3, we’ll explore power orientations used by those who have the most financial success. You’ll learn practical steps you can take to boost your relationship to money and your ability to make, enjoy, and share loads more of it!

A FREE Digital Copy of The Cash Machine

To be revealed in Week 3 of the Challenge

To be revealed upon completion of the Challenge

If NOW isn't the time to work on your Money Mindset, WHEN WILL BE?
Join us for a fun, engaging, and life-changing 3 weeks. We promise to teach you the tools that have transformed both our relationship to money and our overall financial picture.
We look forward to welcoming you to our community and encourage you to ask questions, take risks, have a blast, and be bold!

Absolutely. If you're not 100% satisfied, just let us know for a full refund.
Absolutely. This challenge is about each and every one of us stepping up our game. And it’s not only about making more money (though we believe participants will). Regardless of your income, improving your money mindset can upgrade the quality of your life, reduce your stress, and grow your impact.
Strong math skills are absolutely not required for the challenge. Indeed, if you’re one of the millions who freeze up when looking at numbers, then this challenge is definitely for you. The tools we teach can push math anxiety out of the way, so you’re better able to handle your finances.
Each day will have a short video plus an exercise. Most days, you’ll be able to complete everything in as little as 15 minutes. We recommend you set aside a half-hour a day if you really want to rock it!
Heck yeah! The Money Mindset Madness Challenge is most impactful when done together with close friends and family. You can support each other, keep each other on track, and share your incredible growth towards more financial abundance, enjoyment, and generosity. So invite them all to join!
There are thousands of ways to make money, but without a healthy orientation toward money, it can easily slip through your fingers. You might miss ready money, hold yourself back, or avoid potentially risky (read: potentially fruitful) opportunities. We see it over and over again. That’s why we deal with mindset first!
More about Dave and Chana Mason
Dave is a business strategist and author of personal growth books. Chana is an author and coach. She helps people manifest a fruitful vision for their lives and businesses. The Mason's mission is “Learn, Grow, Teach.” They see every moment as an opportunity to learn something new, grow from what they’re facing, or share wisdom with others. They're passionate about personal growth, healthy living, and stories.
The Masons live in the funky Nachlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem, where they interact with adventurers, students, artists, and spiritual seekers from all over the world. Chana is a gourmet vegan chef and amateur potter, and Dave is an avid ultimate frisbee player. Along with their son, Aryeh Lev, the Masons enjoy books, games, and exploring new territory.
Their greatest wish is that you learn key lessons in this challenge, incorporate them into your life, and inspire others.